What gets you motivated?Isn’t that the million dollar question? Reaching your fitness goals is simple: proper diet + regular exercise = success. The tricky part is maintaining that tight, fabulous new physique! Personally, I am never satisfied! Though I enjoy where I am and give myself credit for today’s accomplishments, I am always looking ahead to what’s next. Where can I improve? How can I further excel? My best tip – Energize yourself at the start of each day by finding motivation.
I love to begin every morning with a long cardio session, daydreaming about my goals & dreams, and often thinking ahead to what I will accomplish that very day.
What workout routine has worked best for you?My workout routine has varied over the years – it’s interesting to try different splits and schedules to see what your body responds best to. My winning physique is built with 3 workouts per day – cardio before breakfast, weight training (early afternoon) and cardio again before my final meal of the day.
Monday: Legs•BB Squats 5×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Hip Thrusts x25
•Bosu Ball Squats x20
•Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5×8-12 (superset)
•Plie Squats Holding DB x20
•Kneeling Glute Kickbacks x20 each leg
•Prone Machine Leg Curls 4×12-15 (superset)
•Pop Squats or Bosu Ball Squats x20
•Ball Leg Curls x15 each leg
•Kneeling Leg Curls (superset)
•Machine Glute Kickbacks x15 each leg
•Bosu Ball Squats x25
•Leg Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
•Walking Lunges 3×8-12
•Crunches x25
•Calves – on Leg Press Machine 3×8-12 (superset)
•Cable Crunches x25
•Bosu Ball Squats x25
Tuesday: Shoulders•Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
•Standing Reverse DB Fly’s 3×8-12
•Handstand Plank (against wall) x30 seconds
•Machine Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
•Cable Face Pulls 3×8-12
•DB Side Bends 3×8-12
•Single Arm Reverse Cable Fly’s 3×8-12 (superset)
•BB Front Raises 3×8-12
•DB Lateral Raises 3×8-12
•DB Bent Arm Lateral Raises 3×8-12 (superset)
•Bicycle Crunches x25
•Roman Chair Leg Raises x25
Wednesday: Back/Arms•Chin-ups 3×8-12
•Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×8-12 (superset)
•Double Grasp DB Row 3×8-12
•Seated Cable Row 3×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Row 3×8-12
•Single Arm DB Row 3×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Curls 3×8-12
•Cable Curls 3×8-12 (superset)
•Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extensions 3×8-12
•Machine Tricep Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
•Concentration Curls 3×8-12
•Core Training 3×8-12
Thursday: Recovery•Rest day
Friday: Legs•BB Squats 5×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Hip Thrusts x25
•Bosu Ball Squats x20
•Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5×8-12 (superset)
•Plie Squats Holding DB x20
•Kneeling Glute Kickbacks x20 each leg
•Prone Machine Leg Curls 4×12-15 (superset)
•Pop Squats or Bosu Ball Squats x20
•Ball Leg Curls x15 each leg
•Kneeling Leg Curls (superset)
•Machine Glute Kickbacks x15 each leg
•Bosu Ball Squats x25
•Leg Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
•Walking Lunges 3×8-12
•Crunches x25
•Calves – on Leg Press Machine 3×8-12 (superset)
•Cable Crunches x25
•Bosu Ball Squats x25
Saturday: Shoulders•Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
•Standing Reverse DB Fly’s 3×8-12
•Handstand Plank (against wall) x30 seconds
•Machine Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
•Cable Face Pulls 3×8-12
•DB Side Bends 3×8-12
•Single Arm Reverse Cable Fly’s 3×8-12 (superset)
•BB Front Raises 3×8-12
•DB Lateral Raises 3×8-12
•DB Bent Arm Lateral Raises 3×8-12 (superset)
•Bicycle Crunches x25
•Roman Chair Leg Raises x25
Sunday: Back/Arms•Chin-ups 3×8-12
•Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×8-12 (superset)
•Double Grasp DB Row 3×8-12
•Seated Cable Row 3×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Row 3×8-12
•Single Arm DB Row 3×8-12 (superset)
•Pre-Loaded BB Curls 3×8-12
•Cable Curls 3×8-12 (superset)
•Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extensions 3×8-12
•Machine Tricep Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
•Concentration Curls 3×8-12
•Core Training 3×8-12
If you have to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?1.Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: They are amazing to shape the hamstrings and glutes, and ladies just look amazing doing them!
2.Barbell Glute Hip Thrusts: They have been my go-to exercise to keep my booty tight this year, since I’ve had to cut back on my plyometrics due to injury. This exercise is a great superset to any lower body workout.
3.Bent Arm Lateral DB Raises: Simply because I love the pump I get in my shoulders from them and my arms look great doing this exercise. It’s an exercise I look forward to, which makes my training all the more rewarding.
What is your diet like?I admittedly eat low carb when dieting for a show or big photo-shoot.
•Meal 1: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Fusion Omega Oil
•Meal 2 is (Pre workout) Protein Shake with Glutamend, SubQ and Purple K and Veggies
•Meal 3: (Post workout) Protein Shake with Glutamend
•Meal 4: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Fusion Omega Oil
•Meal 5: Salad with lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken)
•Meal 6: Lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken) and Nuts
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?My husband, WBFF Pro Bodybuilder Craig Bonnett and I have worked hard to develop our business, ContestPrep.ca – an industry-leading physique consulting and online personal training business. We constantly dream up new ways to motivate & inspire our clients, including helping hundreds of athletes prepare for stage and even more general public clients reach their fitness goals.
Both my husband and I have accomplished so much in our personal competitive careers, including Overall Titles, Pro Cards, magazine features in Status Fitness, Inside Fitness, Oxygen Magazine and WBFF Fit & Firm Magazine, however I am most proud of us for finding ways to share our knowledge, experience and network with others.
You own physical feature you are most proud of?I think you could ask any one of my female clients this one! I am OBSESSED with glutes!! I began with no bum, and have had to diet and train exceptional hard to shape & maintain my lower body.
When I vacation with Craig on the beaches in Mexico or at the pools in Las Vegas, I love rocking itsy bitsy bikinis – it’s my reward for all that hard work!
What is your supplementation like?I believe food is the best supplement – there is no quick, over the counter fix for a bad diet. However there are certainly fantastic products that can help in addition to clean eating.
I use CLA, BCAAs, Glutamend, Omega Oil, Pre-workout supplements such as Fubar, creatine (Purple K), SubQ at certain times of the year to help my fat loss and energy levels, protein powders, and ALWAYS incorporate a multivitamin to ensure my body has all the nutrients it needs.
Favorite Quote?“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
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