Saturday, December 10, 2011
Jennifer Lawson
Fitness has always been a part of my life!
As a child I was always involved in sports. My younger years started out with basketball, softball, soccer and track. Later in high school I spent the years involved in volleyball and the swim team, which was my all-time favorite.
Three years out of the four we were undeafted and inducted into the Hall Of Fame at our school. What a great achievment that was. I always loved competition and was lucky to have the athleticism from my dad and the great support from my mom to always do my best.
During my last year of high school I joined my first gym, and WOW what a great place. I fell in love with it right away. The atmosphere was so motivating and it was a challenge to each individual. I began a regular program 5 x's a week and just loved it! Soon I was making great friends and learning a lot about the proper way to train.
I went to my first bodybuilding show in the early 90s and it was so much fun! I was hooked from there on, usually going to different shows over the years and rooting for my friends. The best one was my first Olympia In Las Vegas. It was incredible to see these people live, seeing them in a magazine did not even compare to the real thing! I was so motivated by the great accomplishments these athletes had achieved that I wished it could be me up there. One problem I had was being shy and the fear of being on stage in front of everyone. I knew that someday I would have to get over this fear if I wanted to meet my goal of competing. I did, but it took me a while....
I stepped on stage for the first time in 2005 at an NPC Regional Show. Luckily I had meet a great group of girls at Savage Choreography and they were all I needed to boost my confidence and help me achieve my goal of stepping on stage. I placed 4th in the Figure Short division and it was one of the happiest days of my life! I reached my goal and even surpassed it by placing in the show. This now has started my fire to continue to compete and also futher my passion to be a successful pro fitness model.
I have always had the desire to be featured on the pages of the fitness magazines like many of my idols. I am now on a path to fulfill this dream and have myself grace the pages of these magazines. I have made the promise to myself to continue my hard work and devotion into living and pursuing my dreams in fitness.
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